
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Young people prefer surfing the internet to dating

by Waldirene Biernath

According to a survey done by a technology company, the Internet has become as necessary for students and professionals as water, food and housing. The survey was held with young people up to 30 years old in 14 countries.

In Brazil, three out of five students and young professionals have made that statement. They also said that between a car and internet, they prefer to access the network.

In addition, 72% of Brazilian university students said they prefer to browse on the internet instead of dating, listening to music and hanging out with friends.

In the professional field, 75% of called “Brazilian Generation Y”* assert not to live without the Internet.

"For this generation, more important than the physical contact is to be connected all the time on social networks," says the technology company president, Rodrigo Abreu. "It's happening a replacement of traditional activities for greater connectivity."


*Generation Y: “…born between 1980 and 2000…Generation Y, also labeled Nexters, Echo Boomers, the Net Generation and the Millennials, has never known a world without cellular phones, compact discs, and video games. At 68 million strong, Generation Y is just beginning to enter the workforce-and society-with a whole new set of attitudes, values and beliefs” (Hatfeild, 2002, p.73)
dating (noun): someone who you have arranged to meet as part of a sexual or romantic relationship;
housing (noun): buildings for people to live in;
(to) hang out (verb): spend time in a certain location or with certain people.
Give your opinion: Has the Internet  become as necessary for you as water, food and housing?

1 comment:

  1. The factor 'generation Y' explains a lot, because the mostly of people can't see a world without internet and cell phone, and do you what? because the world for this people are like this, we can't see a disconnected world because we never lived this way. But we need pay attention about our habits on internet, ask uorself if the time that we spend connected is realy healthy, and policed us, to use internet but not live it,to make internet a good part of our life, not our life a false part of our 'connected social life'.
